Bernie Bro's that have the visceral hatred, or even dislike for Hillary, and chant Bernie or bust, are stuck in a major dilemma now. As much as you hate it, Hillary is the prospective nominee for the Democratic party candidate for President of these United States. I know you're angry. As we speak, many conspiracy theories are floating about the corrupted and altered election that took place in California. There are claims that Bernie actually won by a landslide, but that 2 out of 3 of the votes for him were not counted.
We know that around 25% of Sanders supporters, if the election were held today, would not vote for Hillary, but either vote for Trump, or one of the third party candidates. Many stead-fast Sanders Revolution supporters I know, even WANT Donald Trump to win, in order to raise the vehemence and bring a call to action for Americans to have a total revolution and complete overhaul of the system. And the ones that are now "With Her" are crawling, or being dragged onto that bandwagon.
I am not writing to argue the validity, or invalidity of these points. I am writing to tell the Bernie Bro's that all is not lost. Don't be disheartened that the revolution is over. For it doesn't have to be. Here is why......
Listen, we all know Hillary's views can change with the wind of the current politic. (fortunately they don't change hour by hour, like another candidate whose name shall not be mentioned, but that is another discussion.) there are numerous examples of this over the last 30 years. And Hillary has a propensity to change her mind on the big issues...."gay marriage, immigration, gun control, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, mass incarceration and the Iraq War, and some believe her recent stand on the Keystone XL pipeline constitutes a flip, too." as noted in Politico and other magazines.
Certainly we all have the right to change our mind, to learn, modify our views and even principles. Lord knows I have. I used to be a young Republican. And frankly, so has the American populous. According to Gallup, as recently as six years ago, the majority of American were NOT in favor of same sex unions. In 1996, 68% of the American populous were against same sex marriage. Now, 61% say same sex marriage should be valid.
But it is argued that Hillary changes her mind/principles simply to reflect that of the current trend, so that she can get elected. For you revolutionaries, THIS IS ACTUALLY TO YOUR BENEFIT!!!!!!!!
Many of you are not old enough to remember, but Hillary fought like hell to get Single Payer Healthcare passed through during her husbands presidency. She stood in front of congress and pushed hard to make that happen. she did this even when the polling showed that Americans didn't favor it. Obviously it didn't pass.
But this time... this time it can happen. You say Hillary is just another Republican? You watch how fast she can turn and be that person trying to win your love. You all can influence her to the left. Use her, what you call "silly putty principles", to your advantage.
How? you may ask?
BY NOT STOPPING NOW! It is incumbent upon all of us to take advantage of the fiasco that is the Republican Party. The party that has put up road block after road block to almost everything President Obama has tried to do, causing the American people to hate congress, and Democrats to become disappointed in Obama.
To do this, we have to carry the momentum all the way to November and ensure that there is not one damn Republican up for election left standing. We have to make sure that there is complete and total annihilation of the GOP, such that, the congress has enough democrats to ensure we regain liberty, that we regain justice, that we combat inequality, that WE THE PEOPLE are in control, and congress can no longer sit in denial of what is right and what is just.
Give us a Supreme Court that will reverse Citizens United. Give us a government that is responsible to the environment. Give us a government that realizes that healthcare shouldn't bankrupt us. Give us future elections that aren't rife with money influences. Give us a government that realizes it's purpose is to do for the people, what the people cannot do for themselves, which is to combat the injustices of big corporations and big money and big pharma's.
You want your revolution? Then continue your rebellion and focus every ounce of your anger in getting the
Congress to a Democratic majority. You can mold her and you...only you, can ensure that we have a congress that will reflect the will of the 99% instead of the 1%.
Don't pass this opportunity by putting a fascist, populist, ignorant racist, egomaniac into office, just to prove a point. There is so much to gain, and the time is now. Hate her, if you must, but use her flaws to take advantage of this opportunity.
The Klondike
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