Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sez Me! Random thoughts for the week, including a note to the Media...Stop covering Trump!!!!

Hey News Peeps!!!!
So Trump says you are all, (Most of you) a bunch of sleazy scum-bags.  You lie, you write stories that are libelous, You mis-quote him, you are mean, "Not good"...basically..... you all suck.  So here is an idea.....STOP COVERING THE MAN!.  Why not simply get up, walk out of one his press conferences, (show that one on TV, because I would love to see his reaction) and then just simply don't mention the pestering fly any more.

You all must realize he is using you, manipulating you, managing you to do his bidding.   And you are all complicit in allowing this to happen.

Here is the thing.  the people who support him, are only going to solidify their support, and become more determined to vote come November.  They are happy to jump on the band-wagon of complaining about the biased media, and blame you for every bad story on him, without attaching the onus to him.  So it doesn't do any good to report his failings.  We all know them already.

The only conclusion I can come to about your incessant coverage of him, is that you think this is what people want to see, and pander to ratings.  So now you have lost your integrity by pandering to his whim.

So what you all should do, is coordinate a walk-out. Surely you all talk to each other. Can't you all plan something like this?........

I Noticed something on The Twitter-sphere...
despite the ranting above about being sick of seeing Donald Trump all over the news #TrumpNauseam, I do follow him on Twitter, to see what crazy cracked diatribe he will be putting out in 140 characters.  I also have made a habit of looking at the responses to his tweets.

I have been noticing that there seem to be a lot more Anti-Trump responses, than Pro-Trump responses, lately.  so I decided to do an unscientific quick count comparison of Pro vs Anti.  It has changed substantially over the month of May.  Doing a random couple of samples at the first of the month of his tweets, the Pro-Trump Response Tweets outnumbers that Anti_Trump Response Tweets 5 to 1.  But now, at the end of the month of May, and today, June 1, I see a 2 to 1 margin of Anti-Trump Response Tweets over Pro... It is pretty easy to pick out the tweet-bots, but some of them are quite hilarious..................

A Few Questions For You As A Republican:

I trust you are one who thinks of yourself as basically a moral person, and you try to instill those basic teachings of right and wrong to your children and expect them to maintain a certain ethical standing.

So let me ask you:

If someone lied to you, and spread lies of others, would you not find that reprehensible?

If you knew someone who cheated with someone's spouse, would you not find that similarly, if not even more, reprehensible?

Would you find someone who tries to take advantage of the less fortunate morally degenerate?

Would you patronize anybody who acted like a spoiled brat and name called everybody they thought was out to get them?

Would you allow any of your children grow up to be the person described above?

Just wondering......

Some Smart Words They Were......
Joseph Schumpeter, an early 20th Century economist once wrote, "...that the electoral mass is incapable of action other than a stampede."

My wife said the other day, "you can give a person knowledge, but you can't make them think.  Some people want to remain fools, only because the truth requires change."  I don't know if she was quoting someone else, but pretty profound.  She's like that sometimes.

The best word though are from her father, Milton "Joe" Dhyse, a WWII vet, who was at our first battle of WWII (Pearl Harbor) and at one of the last, on the beaches of Normandy.  Not many men can say that.   But he often would be quite opinionated, and then end his rant with, "My opinions are based upon facts that I have not, as yet, confirmed."....

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