Saturday, June 4, 2016

Donald Trump, You Ain't No Ali

An incredible and great man passed away yesterday.  He rocked the world. Before Parkinsons took over, he was flamboyant, braggadocious, loud-mouthed, controversial, opinionated and any number of other adjectives one can think of.  Some that were jealous or angry at him called him a blow-hard.  However, he was also The Greatest.  He said so with his mouth AND with his actions.  Arguably there was never, nor may there ever be, a better boxer on the planet. You may not know this, but he was also a Muslim.  A person of a religion, of which you would not allow to enter this country if the choice was yours.

You too are flamboyant, braggadocious, loud-mouthed, controversial and opinionated. And there are numerous more adjectives to describe you...including a blow-hard. That, however, is where the similarities end. There is so much more that you lack, that this man had. What Muhammad stood for was honor and love, and bringing people together regardless of race and religion. He stood for and fought for equality. Where-as your ambitions are aimed at self-promotion. To you, greatness is defined by the size of your bank account, and how many more buildings or golf courses you can put your name on.

All the while Muhammad danced and sang his own praises, he also exhibited a humility and integrity.  He knew that his power also sprang from the generosity of heart. He knew that this was the true gift of life we can give to others. This is something Mr. Trump, that, unfortunately, you may never know.  Oh yes, and this man was a Muslim.

When much is given to you, much is expected in return.”  Muhammad was never “given” anything. Yet still, he gave so much of himself in return.  You, on the other hand, have been given so very much, and all you return is  hatred, greed and lies. You egregiously miss the whole point of why we are here as human beings. You add nothing to humanity in the sense of grace nor accomplishment to benefit man-kind, spiritually nor physically.

There are a lot of tributes and wonderful things being said about Muhammad Ali, and even remembrances about his controversies. When your time comes Mr. Trump, what will be said about you?  Ask yourself; will  they speak in terms of greatness or a great man? Or will they only speak in terms of greed, bullying, brashness, and contempt?  I suspect the latter.  Is this the legacy that you want to leave?

Did I tell you?... Muhammad was a Muslim.

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