Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sez Me!.... Random Thoughts for the Week....

Jobs..Jobs...Jobs... and "The Mexicans"
Donald Trump says he will win the Mexican vote.  I THINK he means he will win the LATIN vote, for we all know there are many wonderful Latin immigrants from many Latin Countries. but what do I know?....Anyway, he says he will win their vote because he is going to create jobs.  He hasn't said HOW he is going to create those jobs, other than by building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.  I reckon that is pretty much the way he is going to get "those Mexicans" working...Irony?......

Super-Delegates, Yay!
We have a lot of controversy now that the Democratic primaries are almost over, about whether there should be Super Delegates or not.  I prefer to call them Automatic Delegates, for there isn't anything Super about them.  But what the voters need to understand is that the primaries are not an "Election". The originators of our system did not set it up to be an election, but wanted the active, and thereby informed, members of the party to select the nominee.  this process is a nomination, not an election.

Our system actually started off with the members of Congress selecting the nominee. When primaries started coming into being, they were simply non-binding "preference" shows, and they were held in only 14 states. It wasn't until after 1968 that more states became involved in the primary selection process.

All we need to do is look at the fascist populist that is the nominee of the Republican Party to see what is possible without Automatic Delegates....I am betting they wish they had Automatic Delegates this time around......

Who Rules the World?
It can be argued that we have two parties representing Wall Street.  The GOP holds claim to the free-market society....(good marketing I guess). But let's remember a few words of Adam Smith, (whom Republicans claim as their patron saint....more good marketing).  He condemned the masters of mankind....the merchants and manufacturers of England. He said that these architects of policy made sure their own interests were taken care of, no matter the consequences imposed on the others. (We less fortunate, hard working ones).

Noam Chomsky, in his most recent book, Who Rules the World?,  says that "The neoliberal era of the past generation has added its own touches to this classic picture, with the masters drawn from the top ranks of increasingly monopolized economies, the gargantuan and often predatory financial institutions, the multinationals protected by state power, and the political figures who largely represent their interests."......

A Very, Very Long War!!!!
While attending the  High School graduation of our dear friends son, it occurred to me that the Seniors graduating this year, have spent their WHOLE LIVES with their country at war............

Did You Ever Notice?....
Donald Trump says "Believe Me!" a lot.  I mean a WHOLE LOT!.....My first inclination when I hear that, is to absolutely not believe a word that was just said, or going to be said........

Sorrow, thoughts and prayers......
there isn't really anything to say about the tragedy in Orlando that hasn't already been said.  I just hope someone doesn't try to take political advantage of this for their benefit......Oh wait...too late.......

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