Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Donald Trump Isn't Running For President, He Is Running For The $$$$$$!!!

"The great thing about me is that I'm rich. I will self-fund so that no one will own me. Candidates who take donations from wealthy donors and lobbies act in the best interests of the donors and not America; I know, because I did it."

(Photo Courtesy of Politico)

I'm under no illusion that this LIE and hypocrisy will make a whit of difference in the minds of his sycophants and brain-washed supporters. Just add it to the massive and growing pile of evidence that the man is a fraud, charlatan and unfit for public office and I contend, he isn't doing this to actually win the office of the President, but doing this,so he can enrich his coffers and family.

I wrote earlier about the nefarious characters Trump has brought onto his team here…..  

Now with the most recent Finance Report for both candidates, we can easily come to the conclusion that Donald has no interest at all in being President. At least he didn't at first.

From Fortune Magazine:
First off, Trump hasn’t raised nearly enough money to run an effective presidential campaign, especially against a well-funded Democratic Party veteran like Hillary Clinton. The Trump campaign raised only $3 million in May, with $26 million for Clinton. Heading into June, Trump had just $1.29 million in cash on hand, reports NBC News. Clinton had $42 million.

The RNC gave Donald a list of two dozen names to call for fundraising efforts.  He got through 3 names and then quit.  Does this sound like a man who wants to be President?  

Fortune goes on to say that, "....lurking beneath the surface of these awful numbers is....the possibility of some level of impropriety with campaign funds."  

What is that you said?  Impropriety?  Naaaaw!

Rachel Maddow reports on Tuesday night, that  the Donald J. Trump For President Campaign spent $6.7 Million in the month of May.  More than $1 Million of that money was spent on on paying Donald Trump’s own company and members of his family.

For the whole campaign so far, the Donald J. Trump For President Campaign has spent roughly $60 Million Dollars.  $6 Million of that has been paid to Trump, his properties, and family members.  He rented his own home to himself for $400,000.00.

There are numerous other examples of him renting places off of himself, buying things from his family, all at market value, not discounted. According to MarketWatch, The Donald J. Trump for President campaign is even paying Donald a salary.  That isn’t heard of in presidential elections.

So what! you may say, He is funding his own campaign, so it is a wash, right?, He SAID he was  funding his own campaign at the beginning, then changed his mind and started begging for money.  Then we learn even when he WAS funding his own campaign,  he was simply loaning his campaign money, which he will get back, when all this is over, with Federal Funds Matching etc.

The fact of the matter is that Donald J. Trump is making MILLIONS from running for President.  MILLIONS!!!!!!

His Campaign finance Chair, Steven Mnunchin, we know, has already bilked taxpayers, the government, and 35,000 former homeowners out of billions.  We also know that on his team is a gentleman who recently pleaded guilty for running one of the largest ponzi schemes ever.

Trump is hocking his books and hats at every rally he puts on.  Have you ever seen a candidate put on so many rallies?  He is cashing in on every one of them.  Just imagine the money he will pocket if he ever did become President.  

So maybe I was wrong.  He might not have started out as actually running for President, but I bet he thinks that office looks pretty appealing now.


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