Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Follow The Money Stupid. Lobbyists & Democracy.....Or lack There-Of.

The mob is angry.  The pitchforks are raised. But are they pointed at the right people?  Have they knee jerked a moronic Tea Party into power, only to see the same damn crap that made them angry in the first place?  Are the the moronic masses being duped by a charlatan who promises them he will make it all right?  Are we all not frustrated with the power of  money and how it influences policy?

The populace seems not to quite understand what type of democracy we live in.  There is this perception that "majority rules, damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead. We voted that way, and that's the way it should be....to hell with the constitution!"  This ignorance was also exhibited in the primaries by both parties, so a quick little lesson is in need. Quite a long and large lesson may be more appropriate, by the looks of things lately, and I would go so far as to say, one of our presidential candidates is in great need of one, but we neither have the time nor space to  regurgitate a complete course on High School Civics.

We live in a Representative Democracy,  as opposed to a Direct Democracy, or a nation of plebiscites. Realizing that we are essentially idiots, our Founding Fathers brought forth a system in which we elect political elites to make most of the decisions for us. Those people among us, whom we believe, or have convinced us, that they are wise and willing to make those decisions ably. Certainly, the wisdom part, and ability to make good decisions has become quite debatable many times throughout our history, but especially so now.

Additionally, we operate in what is defined as a Pluralistic Democracy. This is a system in which it is emphasized the essential role performed by groups, as intermediaries between the public and the elites….those that we elected.  These Interest Groups are especially important for transmitting the wishes of the citizenry to government officials in between elections.  

The idea is that the decisions made by our representatives are the result of bargaining and debate and compromise among the various groups.

This method gives us, members of the public, time to actually make a living, feed our families, and recreate, instead of spending all of our time being actively involved on a daily basis lobbying our elected officials ourselves. We are able to voice our concerns via interest groups. (Unless you are a political blogger, then you spend all your time on other people’s blogs, news sites, watching the news, reading the paper/news web-sites, researching to make sure your facts are straight, getting distracted by Face Book, and finally getting to bed at 2:00AM).

I know I used the word, "Elite" above, in describing whom we elect.  Any abhorrence to that word, is  simply proof of your lack of thinking this through. When you need knee surgery, do you want a carpenter messing around with your ACL? Professional politicians were our Founding Fathers...almost each, and every one of them. I wouldn't trust my neighbor to make laws that I have to live by, any more than I would trust him to do surgery on me...especially since he is a sales guy.

The lack of understanding on this does amaze me.  Even in the primaries, most people don’t understand how it works.  I kept wanting to play the commercial with the little old ladies taking photos off the wall to unfriend each other and the smart one says, “That’s not how this works! That not how any of this works!”

 A tweet from @rolldigity after the U.K. recommendation vote for BREXIT, says it all :
“Gotta hand it to stupid people. They may not understand nuance, secondary effects, or the long term, but damnit! They sure know how to vote.”

This is all to say very simply, on a national level, we elect our representatives, of which, special interest groups, such as AARP, The Nature Conservancy,  NRA,  AMA, and other, numerous associations, trade organizations, and even corporations, gain access to those representatives via direct lobbying, or lobbying firms.  The intention is that they  are there to gain access to our representatives through numerous methods and speak on our behalf.

Currently, there are 9,918 registered lobbyists in Washington DC. Add to that every lobbyist on each state level, and you see that there are a shit-load of lobbyists.

(California lobbyists in State Capitol)

So we must now ask ourselves, does this system work? Do we feeble people, working daily to put bread on the table, earn enough to fix the car, or even buy a new one, scratching out time to play with our kids, read a book, learn a new language; do we see our representatives working on our behalf to make things bearable, if not even better?  I think we can all jump up out of our seats right now, and shout in unison a resounding NO!!!!!!!

But where did we go wrong?  Whys is the system broken?  How did we screw this up so badly?  One word……..MONEY!!!!!!!!!

The day we decided that money was a form of free speech, instead of property, is the day this system went straight to shit!

(Jack Abramoff, Infamous Lobbyist, that threw money around like it was candy)

 Since the topic in recent news is the debate of guns, gun ownership, and gun control, I am going to use the NRA and gun rights advocates as an example in trying to explain why we need not only campaign finance reform, but an overhaul of how money influences politics. Take an in depth gander at www.OpenSecrets.org for a rabbit hole of information on money in politics, and where it comes from.

In 1994, Congress passed the Assault Weapons Ban and was signed by Bill Clinton.  That ban expired in 2004.  Why couldn’t Congress get this extended?  Why hasn’t a single gun control law been passed since then? Because, when we have a group that is loaded for bear, and with a seemingly limitless amount of cash, we create a situation in which the lobby manipulates the populace, rather than speaking on it’s behalf. We can see a correlation in that, in 1990, over 80% of American wanted stricter gun laws. Since then, Gun lobbyist groups have given more than $37 million to candidates and spent $48 million in marketing, action committees, etc…  By 2012, less than half of the population felt the way they did in 1990.  In that same time period, gun control groups have only spent $2.5 million on politicians and outside spending.

Over $1 million has been been contributed to Republican Presidential Candidates so far this election by the NRA.  It has been shown that when a candidate receives a significant contribution from a special interest group, they vote for the interest of that group.  For example; in 2013, the Manchin-Toomey amendment requiring background checks in all commercial gun sales, including gun shows, failed by six votes.  Almost all of the 46 Senators that voted against it, had accepted significant contributions from gun rights special interest groups, including the NRA.  No matter your feelings on gun control vs. gun rights, you must agree that money has very much to do with how legislation turns out.

It isn’t just with gun rights groups.  Hell, they aren’t even in the top 10 of contributors to our politicians. The top spenders on lobbying since 1998 (in order) are, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Realtors, American Medical Association, Pharma Research & Manufacturers of America, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  In 2016 so far, those groups have spent over $54 million. There is more to come, because in In 2015, special interest groups spent $3.2 BILLION!

The Pharma lobby is just as notorious as the gun rights lobby, if not more so. in 2015 alone, the industry spent almost $152 million on lobbying efforts. Of course there is little effort to curb the rising costs of our drugs.

Lobbyists and special interest groups are important for our Democracy to work, to give us that voice.  But each voice needs to be on equal footing, with equal access, or at least not separated by billions of dollars to the point that lobbying groups are capable of swaying public opinion.  They are OUR voice, not the other way around.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Sez Me.... Random Thoughts For the Week...

Photo Contest....
Are journalists now competing to get the absolute worst photo of Donald Trump?  You have to admit, some of them are pretty damn hilarious....

And my favorite.........I wonder what he is doing there?

Democracy in action, or a Publicity Stunt?
As I write a portion of this, I sit watching the House Democrats doing a sit in.  this is unprecedented I think.  the House doesn't have rules for a filibuster.  I will say this is  pretty cool watching Democracy in action instead of going through the years of inaction.  No matter your views on the gun control debate, these two bills, one of them SPONSORED BY A REPUBLICAN, are reasonable and supported by a vast majority of American voters from both parties.  Deadlock, and people needlessly dying, has to stop........

Hey baby, how much?
D.J.T. was recently asked if he would drop out of the race if he was offered $5 Billion.  His response was, "That is something we would have to consider."  Well, we have now determined he is a prostitute, now we just have to negotiate the price....

Rock n' Roll Diversion...
David Hepworth, music journalist, editor, and publisher recently wrote a book titled, Never A Dull Moment, in which he claims 1971 was the greatest year in rock n' roll history.  Kelly McEvers, of All Things Considered,  on NPR interviewed him recently and he makes a decent case....

But, you see, I have this friend.  Now this 6'7" imposing figure of a man, also  has a sponge for a brain, and he happens to be an aficionado of all things music and history.  Quite the combination!  Admittedly, he is a young buck of 35 or so, but I would hold him up to anybody in the world when it comes to rock n' roll history,...I mean anybody!!!!! and he makes a case for 1965... "Dylan goes electric, The Stones write Satisfaction, and go on to become truly great song writers, Who recorded My Generation, which lays the groundwork for all hard rock that follows. the Byrds release their first album, Dylan's influence from the 1964 meeting in New York with The Beatles is evident in their songwriting afterward, and as with them, the Beach Boys' become ever more complex.  It was THE pivotal year where Rock n' Roll became "Classic."
Let the debates begin........

C'mon, Make him/her answer the damn question......
It seems to me, that reporters let politicians off easy now-a-days.  Maybe I have a distorted vision of tough interviewers like Mike Wallace, or the recently deceased Morley Shaffer, or Edward R. Murrow, (I barely remember him), but it seems to me, reporters don't push the candidate to answer the damn question, or explain their answer as to why they think they do. In my opinion, it should be pushed to the point that the candidate gets testy or angry that he/she has to answer completely and not beat around the bush.

 Is it because they are afraid that they will lose access to future interviews?  If all reporters were tough enough, the candidates wouldn't really have a choice would they? Toughen up guys and gals! We want answers........

Close the gates......
D.J.T. jsut landed in Scotland.  Can you keep him please?  I wish we could close all international incoming flights for the next 5 months.  It would fit his policy I think..........

Good Bye EU....
Just saw that the BREXIT vote is likely to end up as an EXIT from the EU.  Kinda bummed about this and I don't even know why........

Tweet(s) of the week.....

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Donald Trump Isn't Running For President, He Is Running For The $$$$$$!!!

"The great thing about me is that I'm rich. I will self-fund so that no one will own me. Candidates who take donations from wealthy donors and lobbies act in the best interests of the donors and not America; I know, because I did it."

(Photo Courtesy of Politico)

I'm under no illusion that this LIE and hypocrisy will make a whit of difference in the minds of his sycophants and brain-washed supporters. Just add it to the massive and growing pile of evidence that the man is a fraud, charlatan and unfit for public office and I contend, he isn't doing this to actually win the office of the President, but doing this,so he can enrich his coffers and family.

I wrote earlier about the nefarious characters Trump has brought onto his team here…..  

Now with the most recent Finance Report for both candidates, we can easily come to the conclusion that Donald has no interest at all in being President. At least he didn't at first.

From Fortune Magazine:
First off, Trump hasn’t raised nearly enough money to run an effective presidential campaign, especially against a well-funded Democratic Party veteran like Hillary Clinton. The Trump campaign raised only $3 million in May, with $26 million for Clinton. Heading into June, Trump had just $1.29 million in cash on hand, reports NBC News. Clinton had $42 million.

The RNC gave Donald a list of two dozen names to call for fundraising efforts.  He got through 3 names and then quit.  Does this sound like a man who wants to be President?  

Fortune goes on to say that, "....lurking beneath the surface of these awful numbers is....the possibility of some level of impropriety with campaign funds."  

What is that you said?  Impropriety?  Naaaaw!

Rachel Maddow reports on Tuesday night, that  the Donald J. Trump For President Campaign spent $6.7 Million in the month of May.  More than $1 Million of that money was spent on on paying Donald Trump’s own company and members of his family.

For the whole campaign so far, the Donald J. Trump For President Campaign has spent roughly $60 Million Dollars.  $6 Million of that has been paid to Trump, his properties, and family members.  He rented his own home to himself for $400,000.00.

There are numerous other examples of him renting places off of himself, buying things from his family, all at market value, not discounted. According to MarketWatch, The Donald J. Trump for President campaign is even paying Donald a salary.  That isn’t heard of in presidential elections.

So what! you may say, He is funding his own campaign, so it is a wash, right?, He SAID he was  funding his own campaign at the beginning, then changed his mind and started begging for money.  Then we learn even when he WAS funding his own campaign,  he was simply loaning his campaign money, which he will get back, when all this is over, with Federal Funds Matching etc.

The fact of the matter is that Donald J. Trump is making MILLIONS from running for President.  MILLIONS!!!!!!

His Campaign finance Chair, Steven Mnunchin, we know, has already bilked taxpayers, the government, and 35,000 former homeowners out of billions.  We also know that on his team is a gentleman who recently pleaded guilty for running one of the largest ponzi schemes ever.

Trump is hocking his books and hats at every rally he puts on.  Have you ever seen a candidate put on so many rallies?  He is cashing in on every one of them.  Just imagine the money he will pocket if he ever did become President.  

So maybe I was wrong.  He might not have started out as actually running for President, but I bet he thinks that office looks pretty appealing now.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sez Me......Random Thoughts For The Week, Including, Tweets Of The Week...

Sez Me…...

Politically Correct?....
There is a distinct difference between being “politically correct”, and simply being socially responsible…….I don’t think we are getting that at the moment……..

The Legacy of Ronald Reagan
Why do current GOP members embrace Ronald Reagan as their patron saint, but abhor many of his policies….Background checks on gun buyers, amnesty for immigrants, raising taxes when needed?...Just wondering…..

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck…
When Donald Trump said  “We have to have our Republicans either stick together or let me just do it by myself. I’ll do very well. I’m going to do very well. OK? …..but I’ll just do it very nicely by myself.” sure sounds like the rantings of someone who wants to do it alone….as in wanting to be the sole individual who creates and implements policy…..kinda like a Dictator?......

Offense is the best defense….
These past two  weeks, the Dems have launched a full on frontal assault on DJT, from many angles. President Obama, Hillary Clinton each taking their shots.  Bernie got in a few jabs, Elizabeth Warren and her continuous onslaught,  and many others all throwing grenades at Trump.  But for the exception of proven racist Jeff Sessions, and Trump’s surrogates, there isn’t a lot of return fire… I wonder how long he can hold up to this……….

Does The GOP have a Monopoly On....
Liberty? Freedom? Self Determination? The Bill of Rights? Government by consent? if you listen to Paul Ryan, it sure sounds like it.....But he has since lost all his integrity anyway......

On The Media….Jake Tapper, Whose Responsibility Is It Anyway?….
Last weekends episode of On The Media,  that aired on NPR, Bob Garfield interviewed Jake Tapper of CNN. They debated how tough journalists should be with Donald Trump, and what their responsibility is, on stopping a tyrannical populist demagogue who threatens our constitution.
Bob asked Jake “So is this a moment in history, where when you sort of let a politician hang himself, or not, with his own words, is simply not enough.” Tapper challenged Garfield that at the end of the election, to see whose method had the most affect. And then Bob asks, “What if he (Trump) wins?”
Jake said it wasn’t his job to help stop someone like this from being elected…. ”Then the majority of the American People have voted for him!….I’m not rooting for him or against him.”

I understand journalistic integrity, and I respect the job he does. As a matter of fact, I think he is one of the better journalists out there. (even though I yell at him through the TV sometimes.)  That being said, I just wonder if journalists were saying the same thing in 1932 Germany……

Tweets of the Week….

When only 1,500 showed up for a Trump Rally….

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Trump Victory Fund & Campaign Finance Team, What a Dubious Cast of Characters!!!!

Even though Donald Trump is part of the 1%,( give or take a couple of points, since we don’t really know how much he is worth...unless he has released his taxes while I was writing this...No? Didn't think so.), his constituency feels that he loves America so much, he would be different from all other 1 percenters, who only look out for themselves, and instead, through his great wealth and benevolence, “Make America Great Again”.

Trump touts that he is so wealthy, that he would self fund his campaign, thereby not being obligated to ANY special interest groups since he would not be taking any money from them.  Donald was going to win this election on his dime. He campaigned diligently, lambasting every other candidate for having Super-Pacs, and screaming that each of the other candidates would be obligated to numerous special interest groups that funded the Super-Pacs and contributed to the campaigns.  But not Donald J. Trump… Ohhhh No.  “I’m Rich, I don’t need special Interest Money!”

Trump has since changed his mind, and now states that he needs to raise approximately $1 Billion to finance his campaign. With this about face, there are only a couple of conclusions we can come to:
That this was simply a ruse to win the primaries; an out-right lie; or just a massive dose of ignorance on what is needed to win a Presidential election.  If we believe Donald when he says he has a “...very great mind, and knows what it takes to get elected.” then only one of the other two conclusions can be reached.

So we ask ourselves, now that we see Super-Pacs forming, his own campaign has formed a National Finance Team to raise money, and the RNC has co-formed the Donald Trump Victory Fund, what special interests will he be beholding to, and who are these “Great people” he has hired.  Because Donald only hires the “Greatest people”.

The role of Campaign Finance Chair for the Donald J. Trump For President campaign belongs to one Mr. Steven Mnunchin.  Mr. Mnunchin is the founder and CEO of OneWest Bank, and had been at Goldman Sachs for 17 years previously to that.  So he knows money.  But what makes him so “Great”, that he would be the Campaign Finance Chair?  Not only does he know about money, but he knows about Real Estate. The perfect partner for Donald Trump.  In fact, the campaign said that they had worked together in a ‘business capacity” in the past.  Additionally, he  is apparently a producer who is,partially at least,  responsible for the X-men film Franchise and Avatar.  So he knows a good story when he sees it.

In 2009, Steven Mnunchin led a buyout of IndyMac.  IndyMac was a Southern California bank that was drowning in the mortgage collapse crisis of 2008. It was purchased by Mnunchin and friends, (one of them being George Soros) for $1.55 Billion. Part of the purchase deal was that the FDIC would assume all the losses on the loans that IndyMac had outstanding. So Mnunchin and friends got all the assets of IndyMac, but none of the risks.  A pretty sweet deal.

After the purchase, they renamed it OneWest, then promptly proceeded to foreclose on all the homes, and kicking 35,000 families out;  and of course... STILL GETTING ALL THE GUARANTEED MONEY FROM THE FEDERAL BANK, per the deal they made in order to purchase the bank.  Mnunchin and friends made 1.6 Billion Dollars in profit in their first year.  Yep, the right guy to head up your finance team….A man who knows how to rob from the poor and give to the rich.

You will also see the name of Elliott Broidy as a Vice Chair on the Victory Fund Membership sheet.  Mr. Broidy used to be the Head of Markstone Capital Group, LLC.  What Mr. Broidy was able to do for Markstone Capital was secure about $250 Million in the New York State Pension Fund monies for investing on the Pension Funds behalf.  For that, Mr. Broidy took in roughly $18 Million dollars.  A pretty good gig.  But, it is how Mr. Broidy secured that nice contract to get a portion of the New York Pension fund that is interesting.  In 2009, Mr. Broidy pleaded guilty for BRIBING THE STATE COMPTROLLER and staff of over 1Million dollars. Takes money to make money they say. While the State Comptroller and some staff went to jail, Mr. Broidy was able to simply pay the money back, and walk free.

And then there’s Steven Hoffenberg, who started the Super Pac, “Get Our Jobs Back”  who signed on to do a $50 million marketing campaign for DJT.  As the former owner of the New York Post, who better to get the word out right?  But here is the deal, just as I am writing this, ole Steve PLEADED GUILTY to criminal conspiracy and fraud charges, being connected with a $460 million scheme that prosecutors have stated was one of the LARGEST FINANCIAL SWINDLES IN HISTORY.  Bigger that ole Stephen Mnunchins’ I wonder?  WOW!

Mr. Hoffenberg admitted to being the ringleader of a ponzi scheme that sold $460 million in fraudulent notes and bonds. Maybe he can set up a wonderful ponzi scheme to get DJTs’ needed finances up to speed for this election.  After all, he is “The Best”.

One person that is a Vice Chair, and is not so much connected with criminal activity, or taking homes away from 35,000 people, (and actually may be a good guy for all we know), is one that DJT himself lambasted and accused Jeb Bush of succumbing to “Special Interests”, Saying that Jeb Bush would be controlled by Mr. Woody Johnson, of Johnson & Johnson. Mr. Johnson was formerly on the campaign finance team and contributor to  Jeb Bush.  But now, DJT likes him and is now himself the sucker to that “Special Interest” he so disparaged earlier.

There are plenty of other players on Trump’s Finance team, Hedge fund managers, real estate moguls, professional football team owners, etc…. . Some of them may actually be philanthropic, others who have plead guilty to fraud and corruption.  

The fact of the matter is that Mr. Trump’s appeal to many of his voters was that he was self funding and had no obligations to corporations, criminals, (as he put it) or outside interests.  We don’t even need to mention the debt he will owe to Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson after he gives him $100 Million. So much for that campaign promise.....

The Klondike

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sez Me!.... Random Thoughts for the Week....

Jobs..Jobs...Jobs... and "The Mexicans"
Donald Trump says he will win the Mexican vote.  I THINK he means he will win the LATIN vote, for we all know there are many wonderful Latin immigrants from many Latin Countries. but what do I know?....Anyway, he says he will win their vote because he is going to create jobs.  He hasn't said HOW he is going to create those jobs, other than by building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.  I reckon that is pretty much the way he is going to get "those Mexicans" working...Irony?......

Super-Delegates, Yay!
We have a lot of controversy now that the Democratic primaries are almost over, about whether there should be Super Delegates or not.  I prefer to call them Automatic Delegates, for there isn't anything Super about them.  But what the voters need to understand is that the primaries are not an "Election". The originators of our system did not set it up to be an election, but wanted the active, and thereby informed, members of the party to select the nominee.  this process is a nomination, not an election.

Our system actually started off with the members of Congress selecting the nominee. When primaries started coming into being, they were simply non-binding "preference" shows, and they were held in only 14 states. It wasn't until after 1968 that more states became involved in the primary selection process.

All we need to do is look at the fascist populist that is the nominee of the Republican Party to see what is possible without Automatic Delegates....I am betting they wish they had Automatic Delegates this time around......

Who Rules the World?
It can be argued that we have two parties representing Wall Street.  The GOP holds claim to the free-market society....(good marketing I guess). But let's remember a few words of Adam Smith, (whom Republicans claim as their patron saint....more good marketing).  He condemned the masters of mankind....the merchants and manufacturers of England. He said that these architects of policy made sure their own interests were taken care of, no matter the consequences imposed on the others. (We less fortunate, hard working ones).

Noam Chomsky, in his most recent book, Who Rules the World?,  says that "The neoliberal era of the past generation has added its own touches to this classic picture, with the masters drawn from the top ranks of increasingly monopolized economies, the gargantuan and often predatory financial institutions, the multinationals protected by state power, and the political figures who largely represent their interests."......

A Very, Very Long War!!!!
While attending the  High School graduation of our dear friends son, it occurred to me that the Seniors graduating this year, have spent their WHOLE LIVES with their country at war............

Did You Ever Notice?....
Donald Trump says "Believe Me!" a lot.  I mean a WHOLE LOT!.....My first inclination when I hear that, is to absolutely not believe a word that was just said, or going to be said........

Sorrow, thoughts and prayers......
there isn't really anything to say about the tragedy in Orlando that hasn't already been said.  I just hope someone doesn't try to take political advantage of this for their benefit......Oh wait...too late.......

Friday, June 10, 2016

John Arivosis  of AmericanBlog.com wrote an excellent piece on his blog about Twitter allowing Trump followers to harass Jewish journalists.  Incredible and shame on Twitter.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Don't Despair Bernie Supporters .....You Can Continue The Revolution!!!!!!

Bernie Bro's that have the visceral hatred, or even dislike for Hillary, and chant Bernie or bust, are stuck in a major dilemma now.  As much as you hate it, Hillary is the prospective nominee for the Democratic party candidate for President of these United States.  I know you're angry.  As we speak, many conspiracy theories are floating about the corrupted and altered election that took place in California.  There are claims that Bernie actually  won by a landslide, but that 2 out of 3 of the votes for him were not counted.  

We know that around 25% of Sanders supporters, if the election were held today, would not vote for Hillary, but either vote for Trump, or one of the third party candidates. Many stead-fast Sanders Revolution supporters I know, even WANT Donald Trump to win, in order to raise the vehemence and bring a call to action for Americans to have a total revolution and complete overhaul of the system. And the ones that are now "With Her" are crawling, or being dragged onto that bandwagon.

I am not writing to argue the validity, or invalidity of these points. I am writing to tell the Bernie Bro's that all is not lost. Don't be disheartened that the revolution is over. For it doesn't have to be.  Here is why......

Listen, we all know Hillary's views can change with the wind of the current politic. (fortunately they don't change hour by hour, like another candidate whose name shall not be mentioned, but that is another discussion.)  there are numerous examples of this over the last 30 years.  And Hillary has a propensity to change her mind on the big issues...."gay marriageimmigrationgun control, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pactmass incarceration and the Iraq War, and some believe her recent stand on the Keystone XL pipeline constitutes a flip, too." as noted in Politico and other magazines. 

Certainly we all have the right to change our mind, to learn, modify our views and even principles.  Lord knows I have. I used to be a young Republican.  And frankly, so has the American populous. According to Gallup, as recently as six years ago, the majority of American were NOT in favor of same sex unions. In 1996, 68% of the American populous were against same sex marriage.  Now, 61% say same sex marriage should be valid.

 But it is argued that Hillary changes her mind/principles simply to reflect that of the current trend, so that she can get elected. For you revolutionaries, THIS IS ACTUALLY TO YOUR BENEFIT!!!!!!!!

Many of you are not old enough to remember, but Hillary fought like hell to get Single Payer Healthcare passed through during her husbands presidency.   She stood in front of congress and pushed hard to make that happen.  she did this even when the polling showed that Americans didn't favor it.  Obviously it didn't pass. 

  But this time... this time it can happen.  You say Hillary is just another Republican? You watch how fast she can turn and be that person trying to win your love.  You all can influence her to the left.  Use her, what you call "silly putty principles", to your advantage.  

How? you may ask?

BY NOT STOPPING NOW!  It is incumbent upon all of us to take advantage of the fiasco that is the Republican Party.  The party that has put up road block after road block to almost everything President Obama has tried to do, causing the American people to hate congress, and Democrats to become disappointed in Obama.  

To do this, we have to carry the momentum all the way to November and  ensure that there is not one damn Republican up for election left standing. We have to make sure that there is complete and total annihilation of the GOP, such that, the congress has enough democrats to ensure we regain liberty, that we regain justice, that we combat inequality, that WE THE PEOPLE are in control, and congress can no longer sit in denial of what is right and what is just.  

Give us a Supreme Court that will reverse Citizens United. Give us a government that is responsible to the environment. Give us a government that realizes that healthcare shouldn't bankrupt us. Give us future elections that aren't rife with money influences. Give us a government that realizes it's  purpose is to do for the people, what the people cannot do for themselves, which is to combat the injustices of big corporations and big money and big pharma's.

You want your revolution? Then continue your rebellion and focus every ounce of your anger in getting the Congress to a Democratic majority. You can mold her and you...only you, can ensure that we have a congress that will reflect the will of the 99% instead of the 1%.

Don't pass this opportunity by putting a fascist, populist, ignorant racist, egomaniac into office, just to prove a point. There is so much to gain, and the time is now.  Hate her, if you must, but use her flaws to take advantage of this opportunity. 

The Klondike

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself.....

........ And I tried to say it to Speaker Paul Ryan in my previous post.

Thomas Friedman says it so eloquently in his opinion piece today …..
Et tu, John McCain? You didn’t break under torture from the North Vietnamese, but your hunger for re-election is so great that you don’t dare raise your voice against Trump? I hope you lose. You deserve to. Marco Rubio? You called Trump “a con man,” he insults your very being and you still endorse him? Good riddance.
Chris Christie, have you not an ounce of self-respect? You’re serving as the valet to a man who claimed, falsely, that on 9/11, in Jersey City, home to many Arab-Americans, “thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.” Christie is backing a man who made up a baldfaced lie about residents of his own state so that maybe he can be his vice president. Contemptible.
Read the whole article here.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Speaker Ryan, You Almost Had Me!

My heart sank last week when I heard that you had succumbed to the mob mentality and ended up supporting Donald Trump for President.  What disappointed me most Speaker Ryan, was I had listened to everything you had been telling the American people over the last few months, I heard your words:
“America can do better…” ; “Politics should not divide people, but unify us…”; “politicians should say, “here are my principles, here’s my solution...in a way that is inclusive….”
These words had meaning, they had substance, they had passion….and yet, they were empty. Empty as the pit in my stomach, when I heard you endorsed Donald Trump.

You see Speaker Ryan? You Almost Had Me.

I had grown up a Republican.  I worked as a volunteer on President Reagan’s campaign before I could even vote. I met him, I shook his hand, I spoke with him, and I was proud to be a Young Republican. I firmly believed the founding principle of the Republican platform; “Government should do for the people, only what the people cannot do for themselves”….I still do believe that. I believed we could debate what that was, and hold our own.  But somewhere along the way, the GOP lost me.  They lost me when they started invading our privacy.  They lost me when they no longer cared about the individual, but bowed to the interest of the corporate giants that the people could not combat on their own. They lost me when they became the party of disunity.

But you Speaker Ryan, you almost brought me back.  I believed you when you said those words. I felt like you could portray the inclusiveness and the interests of everybody.  I admired you for standing up against the horde, and sticking to your principles.  The principles that didn’t accept bigotry, racism, anger, misogyny, sexism, totalitarianism, and separatism. I thought that despite what mistake was made with the selection of the Republican nominee, the principles could prevail down ballot.  Now I know it was all just hot air.  

You simply cannot have those principles you mentioned, if you consider Donald Trump as a viable candidate for the President of this country. You cannot claim to be a man of principle if you cast your ballot for him.  You cannot be a person of integrity the moment you say you support Donald Trump, even if you, at the same time, say you don’t support some of the things he stands for.

What happened to those principles? Are they simply being put aside for the time being? Or did they not exist at all?  Are you the same fraud politician that the American people have come to tire of? Do you put party above country? Above the American People?  If so, how can you wake up each day and look in the mirror?

Before last week, when you refused to endorse Donald Trump, You said you weren’t there, that things had to change. That is what I admired so much about you speaker Ryan...the fact that you were holding onto your integrity...Like George H.W. Bush, Like George W. Bush, Like Jeb Bush, like Mitt Romney.

I don’t agree with many of your policies, but I believed you when you said that we want the same thing, let’s simply debate on how to get there.  Do you really believe that Donald Trump wants those same things?  Of course he doesn’t.  All he cares about is his brand, and holding that office...that brass ring of being the President of The United States.

It doesn’t matter that anything he proposes now, can be hand-cuffed by the House and/or Senate. Thank god we have checks and balances.  But Donald Trump has ALREADY done so much damage to our country; to our security; to our welfare, that I would be so bold as to say that he has, in fact, endangered our country and our safety with his words. To the point that he has aided our enemy. And now you, Speaker of The House, holder of the Republican Flag, now you are complicit in this endangerment. For what? For the 9th Justice pick?  You give up all that is dear to you, you give up the safety our our country, you give up your integrity, for that? Shame on you!

What do you tell your children Speaker Ryan?  Do you tell them that while Donald Trump says bad things, that he promotes hatred, bigotry, separatism, prejudice, that he really isn’t all that bad and daddy is going to vote for him?  Do you lie to them too?

Your intelligence must tell you that populism, tyranny, mob mentality is not what our founding fathers meant for this country.  You must know the history of our country, and how our founding fathers had put in place, a system in which we could operate in a Representative Democracy without fear of such a man as Donald Trump grabbing the highest office of the nation. And you plowed right through that. You allowed 200 plus years of mostly success to be vanquished.

Alexander Hamilton, of whom I am sure you have read, said, “If we must have an enemy at the head of Government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible, who will not involve our party in the disgrace of his foolish and bad measures.” Clearly you don’t hold those words to be true. Your party, and now you, are "involved in the disgrace of his foolish and bad measures.”

This simple act of yours, this one thing you did last week, endorsing Donald Trump, solidified my solidarity against the Republican party.  That is too bad Speaker Ryan.......for You Almost Had Me.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Donald Trump, You Ain't No Ali

An incredible and great man passed away yesterday.  He rocked the world. Before Parkinsons took over, he was flamboyant, braggadocious, loud-mouthed, controversial, opinionated and any number of other adjectives one can think of.  Some that were jealous or angry at him called him a blow-hard.  However, he was also The Greatest.  He said so with his mouth AND with his actions.  Arguably there was never, nor may there ever be, a better boxer on the planet. You may not know this, but he was also a Muslim.  A person of a religion, of which you would not allow to enter this country if the choice was yours.

You too are flamboyant, braggadocious, loud-mouthed, controversial and opinionated. And there are numerous more adjectives to describe you...including a blow-hard. That, however, is where the similarities end. There is so much more that you lack, that this man had. What Muhammad stood for was honor and love, and bringing people together regardless of race and religion. He stood for and fought for equality. Where-as your ambitions are aimed at self-promotion. To you, greatness is defined by the size of your bank account, and how many more buildings or golf courses you can put your name on.

All the while Muhammad danced and sang his own praises, he also exhibited a humility and integrity.  He knew that his power also sprang from the generosity of heart. He knew that this was the true gift of life we can give to others. This is something Mr. Trump, that, unfortunately, you may never know.  Oh yes, and this man was a Muslim.

When much is given to you, much is expected in return.”  Muhammad was never “given” anything. Yet still, he gave so much of himself in return.  You, on the other hand, have been given so very much, and all you return is  hatred, greed and lies. You egregiously miss the whole point of why we are here as human beings. You add nothing to humanity in the sense of grace nor accomplishment to benefit man-kind, spiritually nor physically.

There are a lot of tributes and wonderful things being said about Muhammad Ali, and even remembrances about his controversies. When your time comes Mr. Trump, what will be said about you?  Ask yourself; will  they speak in terms of greatness or a great man? Or will they only speak in terms of greed, bullying, brashness, and contempt?  I suspect the latter.  Is this the legacy that you want to leave?

Did I tell you?... Muhammad was a Muslim.