Monday, October 10, 2016

You Want Jobs? Elect A Democrat For President: Facts Don't Lie!

In light of this past week's cringe-worthy, gutter news about Donald J. Trump and his bragging of how he sexually assaults women, I would like to get on with some real issues about this election, and what is best for the country, not only this election year, but for those in the future as well.  I will address Trump's comments briefly though.  REAL men, and any REAL man I have ever interacted with, would never brag about escapades and triumphs, and would NEVER talk about a woman in the way in which Trump speaks about them. Period. If any punk ever spoke that way in my presence, they would be abruptly and sternly halted.  Ok, now on to our regularly scheduled program.

For years, you have believed The Big Lie.  I sure did.  The lie is that Republicans are better for business, they give the working class jobs, they promote small businesses, they reduce regulations so that commerce can better help the economy.  That, my friends is the trap that many of us have fallen into for so many years.  But now, now we have over 20 years of experimentation on this.  27 years since Reagan left office, and 35 years since he entered.  So we have plenty of time to see if his grand experiment worked.  And that is what it was….an experiment.  I worked on the Reagan campaign.  I believed he would make our country better.  He would heal what ailed us. And he did in many ways.  But today, we sit….35 years later, with stagnated wages.  Do I blame it all on him?  No, of course not.  And we have had some good economic times since then.  But some very bad ones as well.  To go into all the causes, would constitute a whole book, and I know your attention span is not up to that.  Nor is my writing.

Now, however, we fortunately, after years of dismal growth, we are seeing some improvement.  You can’t give credit to the previous president on this one, for President Obama has been in office for 8 years.  I am sure many of you give him much of the blame for the turmoil we have had up until now. But one thing we can agree on, is that; “It’s the economy stupid!”

According to the Pew Research Center, 84% of the voting populace think that the economy is the main concern we are currently facing in the United States.  A recent poll by Fox, (for what that is worth) has the American Voters trusting Trump over Clinton, to do a better job with the economy, 50% to 45%.  

The GOP has sold Americans the bill of goods, that they are the party for business prosperity, and the overall economy. The Tea Party says that cutting government spending substantially is the course of action that will save America. Republicans believe that  the Laffer Economic Plan, supply side economics, reducing taxes on businesses and the wealthy creates more jobs, and greater wealth for the populace. The three preceding sentences prove that the GOP is either a moronic, idiotic bunch of dipshits, or they know they are taking America for a ride, and just want to stay in office, for they know if they told the truth, they would be out on their kiester...and their voters are a moronic, idiotic bunch of dipshits for believing them.
I know facts are inconvenient for those that have bought into the GOP facade, and I know that when confronted with facts, most people try and refute them, but  I am going to present them to you anyway...startling as they are. And this is from the National Bureau of Economic Research, a study conducted from two Princeton Economists, Alan Blinder and Mark Watson, (one being a conservative no-less). Are you ready? Sitting down, drinking a beer?  Relax, I know this is hard:

“The U.S. economy not only grows faster, according to real GDP and other measures, during Democratic versus Republican presidencies, it also produces more jobs, lowers the unemployment rate, generates higher corporate profits and investment, and turns in higher stock market returns. Indeed, it outperforms under almost all standard macroeconomic metrics. By some measures, the partisan performance gap is startlingly large--so large, in fact, that it strains credulity, given how little influence over the economy most economists (or the Constitution, for that matter) assign to the President of the United States.
Since Harry Truman’s Presidency, During the 64 years that make up these 16 terms, real GDP growth averaged 3.33% at an overall annual rate. But the average growth rates under Democratic and Republican presidents were starkly different: 4.35% and 2.54% respectively
If you include FDR, the difference is even greater.”

And….. other items such as:
  • Income inequality rises under Republicans but falls under Democrats.
  • both real wages (compensation per hour in the nonfarm business sector) and labor productivity increased faster under Democrats than Republicans
  • the structural federal budget deficit has been, on average, smaller under Democratic presidents

Also, reading through the data one will notice that Democrats inherit growth rates of 1.9% from the final year of the previous term, while Republicans inherit a growth rate of 4.3%--a clear advantage to Republicans. So you cannot say that Democrats benefited from the policies of Republicans.  A false argument, period.

So all those Trump supporters who think Trump will bring jobs, all those GOP blow-hards who tell you that the Republican party is better for business, every single fact absolutely disputes that.  If you want wages to grow, if you want jobs, growth, and prosperity, then you need to put a Democrat in the White House. You’d do even better by changing congress to go along with that.

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