"The system is so broken...I can't stand either candidate. I hope that people come to their senses and vote 3rd party. I doubt it will happen though, because the media just tells people what to think."
This one statement, encapsulates all of the things that make me crazy about the general voting public. It is also a perfect example of the danger of social media. This person clearly has an opinion and is willing to share it, which of course, is their right. The problem is, the train of thought that produced this statement has derailed so badly, that this thought becomes dangerous should this person be in a position to influence any other person.
To me, I see at least 2 major problems here. First is this idea that "the system is broken". This claim just makes me insane. Each time I see it, I think "What about the system, exactly, is broken? Do you even understand the system? Tell me, do you know what the 3 branches of government are? Do you understand the relationship between the Executive and Legislative branch? Do you understand how the electoral college works and why it exists? " These are just a few of the questions that come to mind when someone talks about the system being broken. My guess is you could poll anyone in your office and they would fail this civics test miserably. I would also guess that these same people would tell you they feel disenfranchised by, and apathetic about, "the system". If someone cannot answer clearly what exactly about the system is broken, with reasons that are based in fact, then I have absolutely no reason to take them seriously.
There seems to be this celebration of willful ignorance on these issues that permeates all corners of the voting and non voting public alike. I don't think this is a new phenomenon. I do believe, however, that since the 2008 election cycle these ignoramus voters have largely come of age, and now have a louder voice that is heard by more people, than ever via social media. These diseased ideas spread amongst the lowest level thinkers like a zombie virus and at times even take hold with people you would otherwise consider to be intelligent. I find myself often being put in the position of having to defend history, and the facts of the matter, in order to keep the ship afloat. I can say that I don't always take the bait due to either sheer exhaustion/exasperation, or due to the desire to not be a complete social pariah.
What I would tell folks that hold this view is that the idea of simply voting 3rd Party will "solve" the perceived problem, is just plain lunacy. That is like going to a dentist when you need to have your tires rotated. It's as though everyone seems to forget the the most viable of the 3rd parties is the completely politically unworkable (and essentially anarchist) Libertarian point of view. Forget that Gary Johnson specifically appears to be a bit of a buffoon, just focus on the policy ideas. They don't work in an interconnected, global economy. Facts being what they are, this hardly seems to matter to anyone.
I'm finding that people would rather vote for a 3rd party candidate that has no real chance of winning, and if they did win, would cause significant harm to our economy and state in general than choose between a truly dangerous option (Trump) and an unlikeable, severely flawed, yet capable option (Clinton). Voting for the 3rd party does them no good, even if they have the best of intentions and want to "vote their conscience." This vote, does nothing to advance their interests, and in effect serves as a celebration of their willful ignorance. I'm also very concerned when I see someone that I would otherwise consider a measured, intelligent, and thoughtful person, throwing their hat in this ring. It is almost as if voting Libertarian is the "hipster" thing to do. Like there is some intellectual high-ground they are taking by voting this way. Often times I get the sense that there is some sort of feeling that this person believes they know something others don't, by choosing this option, when in reality it only highlights their ignorance to this particular intellectual domain.
All of this brings me to my point. I think we can all agree that both of the major parties are racing toward their fringe constituents. One a little faster than the other. This, combined with the general ignorance and lack of intellectual will of the electorate combine to create the most concerning issue that will come out of this election. Tens of Millions of voters are otherwise ideologically unattached, and are without a home politically (I would consider myself amongst them). These people are going to be looking for another option. Right now, it appears that the Libertarian Party is the one best positioned to capitalize on this void. This is a horrible, horrible option. Thank goodness their current slate of candidates are not ready for prime-time. Can you imagine, however, if you had a Corey Booker (D-NJ) type personality on that ticket? Someone that can inspire those who lack any foundation in facts or reason? Those that willfully allow others to think for them?
I have heard this same concern espoused regarding the Republican party, but sadly, that party has allowed the Mayberry Taliban portion constituency to take over, and most of America finds their stance to be repugnant. The Libertarian platform appeals to those that chase snappy headlines, have a short memory as it pertains to history, and have a loose grip on the mechanics of government, foreign policy, and the economy.
With that in mind, I think THIS is what we should really be concerned about coming out of this election cycle. My hope is that should a 3rd party rise from the ashes of this election, it is a reformed version of the establishment Republican party. At least then, a conversation could be had on policy. While I may not agree with some of those old planks, at the very least there was measured consideration for the impacts of policy on our economy and state in general. Only then will the Democratic party be pulled back toward the center. Doing this, will lead to productive conversations about what policies will best move our country forward.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but think about what I've said in these terms...
Future elections will depend more and more upon the intellectual, and decision making stylings of Millennial Voters. College educated, young professionals that have never had to face any real adversity outside of having to pay back student loans, and figure out which band to go see on Friday night. Voters that claim moral and intellectual superiority on all social issues, but have absolutely zero arrows in their quiver when pressed for details on their respective positions. I say that not to impugn their character as people, but rather to highlight the flaws in their commitment to fully thinking through these types of issues.
This thought alone, chills my spine. But to think about all of the flannel wearing, bearded, craft beer swilling, beanie wearing, beach cruiser bike riding, weenie boys and their equally insufferable girlfriends (or boyfriends) being the bulk of the future electorate genuinely causes me to lose sleep from time to time.
Oh, and get off my lawn...
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