Friday, October 14, 2016

Sez Me.....Get A Brain! Morans.....

What A Role Model......
Can you imagine this call from your child's school,  "Good Afternoon Mr./Mrs X, we have your son in the principles office because he felt it appropriate to replicate the words of the President, and tried to kiss a girl and grab her by the crotch."  Now your 10 year old son, could very well be expelled from school, labeled a sex offender, and many parts of his life, may be ruined from that day forward.  that is how serious this shit is.......

Our Educational System......
Come election day, we will know which states take no pride, nor effort into their educational system. We see the result of tax cuts, and lack of funding for the educational system in this shit show we are calling an election.......

Image result for poorly educated voters

Is it the end for the GOP?......
Fareed Zakaria wrote a very compelling and very scary article on Trumps end game. Is the GOP History? What About The Country?  If you take the time to listen to his speeches, it makes sense, as he continuously propagates the Alt Right philosophies.  the Democrats should not rejoice at all even after election day.  Trump has opened Pandora box, and we all need to work together to close it......

Image result for gop on fire image

Laugh Them Off The Stage.......
My theory, that I have put into practice, is to laugh at any Trump supporter I encounter.  I haven't gotten my ass kicked yet, though I am sure it is bound to happen, but mostly, they walk off in a huff. We need to laugh Trump and all of his supporters back into the rat-hole they came from......

Miami Herald Says It Best......
"Let’s make clear what the 2016 presidential election isn’t about:
It is not about choosing between a bad candidate and a worse one. The narrative that Hillary Clinton is the lesser of two evils is patently wrong. Ms. Clinton is a pragmatic, tough-minded woman of accomplishment and political conviction with a demonstrated mastery of policy. She is politically flawed. However, Donald Trump is a damaged human being.
It’s not about an entertaining, shoot-from-the-hip renegade outsider taking on a mainstay of the entrenched political elite. That was Sarah Palin vs. Joe Biden back in 2008. No, Mr. Trump is the elite, one who has managed to talk a good game to fire up frustrated and frightened mostly white Americans with a campaign of hate and xenophobia."
The rest of the endorsement is worth the read here..... Miami Herald Endorses Hillary Clinton
It Should Be Noted......
Donald Trump, who has gone after Hillary Clinton for disparaging her husband's accusers/victims, has spent the last 48 hours disparaging his own.

Read more here:

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