Wednesday, November 2, 2016

An In Depth Look At Each Candidate's Flaws

With the election next week, I thought I would look at the election season and do an in-depth analysis of the flaws that have been exposed this year. At the end of this analysis is a summary of the transgressions and what they mean.
Clinton emails.
Trump admitting sexual assault.
Clinton emails.
Trump Charity Fraud.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for nuclear proliferation.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for national stop and frisk.
Clinton emails.
Trump violates trade embargo with Cuba.
Clinton emails.
Trump sued for  Trump U fraud.
Clinton emails.
Trump refuses to acknowledge a loss in the Presidential race, and threatens our democracy.
Clinton emails.
Trump rates women on a scale of 1 to 10.
Clinton emails.
Trump issues a call to arms at a rally against his political opponent.
Clinton emails.
Trump bribes Florida DA.
Clinton emails.
Trump pays no taxes for 20 years.
Clinton emails.
Trump illegally uses others financial loss as a deduction on taxes.
Clinton emails.
Trump employs campaign manager involved in illegal corruption with Russia.
Clinton emails.
Trump has server connected with Russian bank.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for ban of an entire religion from entering U.S.
Clinton emails.
Trump lied about support for Iraq War over and over in debates.
Clinton emails.
Trump in court for rape of a minor.
Clinton emails.
Trump unaware of Russia’s Crimea occupation.
Clinton emails.
Trump unaware of situation in Syria.
Clinton emails,
Trump sued and penalized for racist housing discrimination.
Clinton emails.
Trump files for bankruptcy 6 times.
Clinton emails.
Trump slams POW hero.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls Mexicans rapists.
Clinton emails.
Trump questions judge's integrity because of parent’s heritage.
Clinton emails.
Trump deletes emails involved in casino scandal against court order to produce documents.
Clinton emails.
Trump commits insurance fraud after Florida hurricane.
Clinton emails.
Trump has dozens of assault victims with allegations of abuse.
Clinton emails.
Trump attacks former Ms. America for being overweight.
Clinton emails.
Trump tweets about non-existent sex tapes at 3 am.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for U.S. citizens to be sent to Gitmo.
Clinton emails
Trump calls for more extreme forms of torture to be used.
Clinton emails.
Trumps asks why we can’t use our nukes if we have them.
Clinton emails
Trump calls to start a war with Iran because someone gave us the middle finger.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls to kill women and children of suspected terrorists.
Clinton emails.
Trump says women should be jailed for having an abortion.
Clinton emails.
Trump makes fun of disabled journalist.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for the end of freedom of the press.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls global warming a Chinese hoax.
Clinton emails.
Trump praises Putin and Kim Jong Un’s strong leadership.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls President Obama an illegitimate noncitizen hundreds of times over 7 years.
Clinton emails.
Trump uses campaign donations to enrich his own businesses.
Clinton emails.
Trump buys personal goods,( Portrait of himself) and pays legal fees with money from his foundation.
Clinton emails.
Trump disparages Gold Star Families.
Clinton emails.
Trump accuses Ted Cruz’s father of being involved in JFK assassination.
Clinton emails.
Trump says laziness in an inherent trait of black people.
Clinton emails.
Trump refuses to denounce racist followers and members at rallies yelling racist epitaphs.

One can certainly state the Hillary Clinton has the flaw of paranoia and secrecy.  Some may say that is understandable after 30 years of being a target. Some would also say, secrecy has no place in today’s Presidency.

What we can factually state about Donald J. Trump, is that he is a habitual liar, a scheister, a schemer, a sexual assaulter who lusts after his own daughter, a conspiracy theorist, a racist, and a man of extremely low moral character.


  1. Again voting for the lesser of 2 evils even if on IS more evil than the other. Why not a decent candidate since Ike and Jimmy? (and Carter was nothing to write home about)

    1. First of all, thank you for the comment.
      With all due respect though, the comment, "Lesser of two evils" is a statement of laziness. I am not blind to the rhetoric on Hillary, perpetrated over 30 years. I gave specifics of the evils of Trump, give me those of Hillary, and don't pull the Benghazi or email crap...or feel free if you must, but that falacy has been beaten into the ground. And if you knew history well enough, you certainly wouldn't deem Ike a saint. He and his administration can be directly tied to the problems we face now with Iran and the Middle East.
