Friday, August 5, 2016

Talk Radio; The Ruination And Dumbing Down Of America. (And The Cause Of The Donald J. Trump Shit Show)

I have been focusing on why we are where we are with this horrendous novel,  The Donald Trump Shit Show. Recently I blamed the GOP for being so discombobulated that they couldn’t even put up a candidate that could outsmart or outwit the dunce of the class.

But as I give this some more thought, I ask what could have prompted 13 million people to vote for Donald J. Trump?  

We have a certain populace now that is so vehemently against anything with a capital D in front of it, they have a visceral hatred for anyone who is a Democrat, or even those called a moderate Republican…...Why?

Rush Limbaugh.jpg

It began around 1984. President Reagan riding the wave, already lifting the spirits of America after a recession, and having recently decimated the Democratic Presidential contender, Walter Mondale.  Rush Limbaugh, a former Disc Jockey, (who was fired and told that he would never make it as an on air talent) began his political commentary show in Sacramento, CA. Shortly thereafter, the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine- - (stations had previously been required to provide free air time for responses to any political, or controversial opinions that were said on the air.) allowed stations to broadcast commentary, without having to give equal time to opposing views. Rush soon gained popularity and became syndicated from NY, in 1988. One may note, that on his Wikipedia page, the first listing  for Rush is “Entertainer”.  ENTERTAINER!!!!!!  

Forgetting, or simply never realizing that radio talk shows are formatted to entertain and grow listenership, the audience bought into Rush and his diatribes, (no matter how inane they were) and repeated his rantings as fact at every family discussion or bar gathering.  Any argument that actually entailed facts, were rapidly refuted; for  studies show that attempts to refute false information often backfire and lead people to hold on their misperceptions even more strongly.  The dumbing down of America had taken a solid footing.

Hugh Hewitt proclaimed Rush the Grand Daddy who paved the road to the popularity of conservative talk radio. If you listened to Rush in the early days, you may remember, along with the entertaining segments signified with the appropriate tune, there also used to be an actual dialogue, with opposing views.  Rush proclaims he can win any argument with half of his brain tied behind his back.  And he tried. It wasn’t long, though, that he quit debating, and rapidly became an echo-chamber for those frustrated Americans, accepting calls mostly from people who simply regurgitated any argument he put forth.The Ditto-Head revolt began. Many of them, Americans who were, and are, going through hard times ultimately blaming the liberal agenda and immigration for their struggles.  

Unrestrained by the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine, Rush rapidly changed the way politics is discussed, perceived and conducted, all the while proclaiming the mainstream media as liberal and not to be trusted.  Americans throughout the country, driving in their car, or in their office in their quotidian lives, tuned in, and bought into his increasingly visceral diatribes against feminazis, liberals, the media, the Clintons, or any person or thing that did not fit into his scope of what the Republican Party should be and do.  Even moderate Republicans became the target. (For example,John McCain was targeted by Limbaugh and numerous others, as they mobilized  in favor of Mitt Romney in the 2008 election). The greater the visceral ranting, the greater his popularity and the more his listening numbers grew.
Rush with quote.jpg
Soon, many more conservative or libertarian talk radio hosts joined in; Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Michael Savage, and many more, all who raged against moderates and Democrats. The more outrageous they became, the greater the ratings. Across America, those that didn’t get tired of the one-sided, radical vehemence, cheered them on for more and bought into conspiracy theories, unsubstantiated claims, ( ie. the Vince Foster “murder” and cover-up,) and just plain erroneous reporting.  The populace thought of these as news sources, rather than entertainment, and the hosts made millions of dollars off of stirring up the masses into frenzies of anger.  We became lazy and stopped reading more than 140 characters at a time, and investigating the facts on our own.

Today, the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity and others support this demagogue they helped to bring to just one vote from the oval office; but there are others who actually attempt to talk reason into their Trump supporting audience….to tame the Frankenstein's Monster they had created. Sadly, it is too late.  Nothing can calm down an angry mob, for mobs show no sense of reason.  This was one of the greatest fears of  Alexander Hamilton and our founding fathers.

There are seasons in every country when noise and impudence pass current for worth; and in popular commotions especially, the clamors of interested and factious men are often mistaken for patriotism” ….Hamilton.

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