Friday, July 8, 2016

Sez Me...Random Thoughts For the Week......

GOP Delegates, This Is Important!!!!!!!!!

The first amendment says you can vote your conscience….No state can bind you to vote against your conscience.   Here is proof……...

Outta My Way!!!!!!!
You know? If the Clintons  could just stay out of their own way, they certainly would have a hell of a lot less problems to deal with and just might win this thing.  That is a BIG if though……..
Sometimes having the courage to say you messed up, really goes a long way.  I know someone who did, and someone who refuses to…….

Why Do You Even Have a Policy?....
Twitter and Facebook have rules stating that you “may not make threats, of violence, or promote violence” , and they prohibit content that promotes violence against people or groups…..Have you seen some of the crap on these sites?...

Are You Afraid?...
Democrats are afraid that their candidate might find a way to lose, while Republicans are afraid their candidate might find a way to win……..

Stupid Tweet of The Week….
With a Son-in-law that is jewish, and a daughter that has converted to Judaism, coupled with grandchildren who are jewish and I am sure he loves, I don’t think Trump is a  “Jew hater”.  I just think he is stupid as hell…….

Who Is The Greatest Criminal Master-mind of All Time?......
Either Hillary Clinton is the greatest criminal master-mind of all time, greater than Dr. No, The Joker, Lex Luther, Dr. Moriarty, Loki, Dr. Doom, Magneto, and King Pen, all combined, or has been, for the last 30 years, a survivor of the largest target of right-wing hatchet jobs that, like the Eveready Battery Bunny, keeps on going. Either way, one of those would be cool to have as a president……….
Comey Sure Aint No Hoover….
I truly wish that FBI Director, James Comey could be the GOP Nominee.  That man has balls and intergrity…….

A Void Is Always Filled….
When justice is perceived as absent, the masses will attempt to fill that void. We MUST eliminate that perception to maintain a civil society…….

Quote Of The Week….
You may have guessed that Alexander Hamilton is a hero of mine…What he said 240 years ago, so applies to today.
“There are seasons in every country when noise and impudence pass current for worth; and in popular commotions especially, the clamors of interested and factious men are often mistaken for patriotism. ”
Alexander Hamilton

Tweets Of The Week….

And Finally, But Most Importantly…….
You can be pro COP, AND pro black.  They are NOT mutually exclusive……….

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